Usenetről röviden

Usenetről röviden

XS Usenet and Tweaknews use Cambrium as backend

2014. október 29. - StanLee

In the last few days i have tried both providers. XS Usenet has it's really superb offer: 1 Mbit for free. Nowadays i use usenet really rarely, so i have a tweaknews 300 GByte block account. Then i tried the XS Usenet free account, some of the posts were not complete, so i used the tweaknews block account to get them, without any success. I did some search with google, and the bigger usenet news sites refer that tweaknews and XS usenet have their own network. I did some tracert, so i could finde out, that both usenet providers use the same backend provider: Cambrium in NL. So if you want to have a good backup, use eweka or something else (e.g. NewsDemon).

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